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Is Inadequate Nutrition is Experienced After Sleeve Gastrectomy

Is Inadequate Nutrition is Experienced After Sleeve Gastrectomy

If you do not follow the advices after stomach reduction surgery, i.e. sleeve gastrectomy, you may experience nutritional deficiency. After sleeve gastrectomy, you will feel satisfied after you eat a bowl of soup or 4 tablespoons of meal. Since you consume less amount of food after stomach reduction surgery, vitamin, mineral and protein deficiencies may be observed.

Sleeve gastrectomy does not functionally cause the patient to lose weight by reducing the absorption of nutrients. It is a surgical procedure that primarily reduces food intake. On the other hand, the gastric bypass or duodenal switch procedure affects the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. Therefore, it does not cause nutritional deficiency caused by the inability to absorb nutrients as in other obesity operations. Nutritional deficiency is mostly observed when the patient does not follow the advices. You should consume the essential nutrients sources after sleeve gastrectomy, to avoid nutritional deficiencies. In line with your needs, your dietician may recommend you to take multi vitamin supplements or other micro and macro nutritional supplements.

What Happen In Case of Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency?

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency causes anemia in patients. Since Vitamin B12 also functions in the nervous system, its deficiency causes symptoms including forgetfulness, fatigue, and weakness. Prolonged Vitamin B12 deficiency causes permanent neurological damages.
    • Calcium plays a role particularly in bone and dental health. Calcium deficiency leads to the development of osteoporosis (bone loss). There may also be bone fractures due to long-term low bone and mineral densities.
    • Vitamin D is a vitamin responsible for the storage of calcium in the bones. Osteoporosis (bone loss) may develop as a result of prolonged vitamin D deficiency.
    • Iron is an essential mineral responsible for building blood cells. Anemia, i.e. blood deficiency, is encountered due to iron deficiency. Anemia slows down your weight loss process and also causes fatigue and weakness.
    • Magnesium functions in the structure of many enzymes. Magnesium deficiency causes nausea and vomiting. Prolonged magnesium deficiency adversely affects the bone health.
    • Folate is responsible for cell renewal. Anemia, i.e. blood deficiency can be observed in case of folate deficiency.

To Prevent Nutritional Deficiency

Since the stomach gets smaller after sleeve gastrectomy, you consume less food. If you do not consume the recommended foods, nutritional deficiency develops. After surgery, patients should eat a protein-intensive diet to protect their muscles in particular. Since patients cannot eat too much food at one meal, they meet their needs by consuming three main meals and three snack meals. In summary, you lived to eat in the past but you will eat to live after surgery. Follow the advices of your dietitian and your surgeon to avoid nutritional deficiency. If necessary, your dietician will recommend you to take vitamins, minerals and protein powder as supplements.